The Man Who Goes Transparent

Official Invitation to Fukuoka International Theater Festival, 2018


Poem by Yoon Dongju/ Libretto and Direction by Namoo Chae Lee/ Music by Ane Huh/ Starring Hyunjun Lee, Younghak Kim, Hayoung Kim, Seokki Cheon, Daon Park

“What it means to be a human? What it means to be myself? That’s what I saw in this play. ”

— Park Jinsook, Busan Daily News Paper

Korean’s most beloved poet, Dongju. He was diluted to death in the Japanese’s effort to substitute blood with sea water. Imagining the last day of his life, the show weaves his poems and life with melodies.

In the Media 1/ Media 2/ Media 3


The Most Wonderful Thing Of All


The Fountain